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Watercolor Butterfly 16


I like to meet with you before you decide you want me to do your ceremony as I believe you need to be comfortable with and confident in me, you need to be sure I am the person for you, this is your special day and needs to be all about you.

I work with you to provide you with a much personalised ceremony for your special day. I am happy to assist you in any way I can to make your day perfect.

I supply a speaker system which I am happy for you to use for your music at the ceremony.

I supply a signing table if required.

I will also assist you with a rehearsal if you require one.

I provide you with the legal paperwork which needs to be completed and returned to me within 31 days of your ceremony date.

This is your  day and needs to be all about you.

I ask you to go away and think about it and get back to me if you are happy with what I have to offer.

I then like to meet with you again a few months before your date and have a more detailed chat to enable me to write a personalised Ceremony just for you. I am happy to assist you in any way I can to make your day perfect.

To make further plans with me for your special day please Click

Watercolor Butterfly 1


As I have stated I work to give you a very personal Ceremony, however there are a couple of things that I am required by law to insert within the Ceremony.

Other than these which I will highlight in red the Ceremony is up you.

It is traditional for the father to walk the bride down the aisle, but it is not necessary.

Being as there are so many different blended families and situations I work with your particular situation to make your ceremony inclusive for all those you want included.

Example of what I am saying.

If there are step children involved I will ask all parents to join us at the start of the ceremony and ask each family if they are willing to accept and support EX Bride and children into their family and same with grooms family…… this works well with step parents etc. as it makes everyone feel included and can be done without them knowing it is going to happen until it does, however as I said this is all your decision in the end.

I start with and introduction. Welcome family and friends, go into a little of your history, where, how you met and “cheeky tit bit”

We thank anyone you want to mention, we mention any person who is not present but is missed (deceased grandparents, parents etc.)

Followed by why you have reached the decision to be married. What you want from the marriage.



I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriage according to law.

Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are about to enter.

Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

Then I need to ask.

I call upon you here present to witness that I FULL NAME take you Full name to be my lawful (husband wife spouse)   



Then we have the vows which you write.


You can have two separate vows, one for the giving of rings and one for the vows or one inclusive (which seem to be the most popular choice.)



With Ring


Mary, I give to you Peter this ring and in doing so I give you …………


I promise……………


Then Peter gets to say his bit.


We can talk more extensively regarding the vows and ring vows in person, I am just trying to give you a bit of an overview.

I have a licence to use words from songs ,poetry, cards or any source but I usually suggest you speak from the heart, tell your partner what you are bringing to the relationship and what you hope to gain from the relationship being the marriage.


I then let you kiss the BRIDE


Now we need to sign all the papers before I can pronounce you husband and wife or partners for like.


We come back and have a conclusion I pronounce you and then you can kiss your wife.

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